xAPI For LifterLMS

This free plugin enables the HTML5, xAPI, cmi5 & SCORM content support on the LifterLMS by integrating with the GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.

About GrassBlade xAPI Companion

GrassBlade xAPI Companion is one of the best plugins for HTML5, xAPI, cmi5, SCORM, H5P, and Video content tracking on WordPress and follows eLearning industry standards. It also provides better launch options to make your content play well with LifterLMS.

Available Launch Modes:

  1. In Page
  2. Link to Open in New Window
  3. Link to Open in Same Window
  4. Link to Open in Popup Lightbox

You can use custom link text or image as launch button for better presentation.

Upload HTML5, xAPI, cmi5 & SCORM Content

Allows uploading HTML5, xAPI, cmi5 & SCORM, and Videos as xAPI content on WordPress.

Add Content on Lesson & Quiz

Add content on lessons and quizzes using Gutenberg block, shortcode or metabox.

Advanced Reporting

User quiz score of xAPI Contents will reflect in LMS reports and detailed reports like answers of the quiz will be available in the GrassBlade LRS.

Advanced Video Reporting

This industry standard video content reporting uses the xAPI Video Profile that works well with LifterLMS also.

Restrict Progress

Disable/hide the mark complete button until added xAPI Content or video is completed.

xAPI Content based Certificate

Award Certificates based on completion of xAPI Content and score obtained.

Reports for Admins

Reports feature provides ability to access 7 types of reports with GrassBlade xAPI Companion and LifterLMS.

  1. Completions Report
  2. Gradebook Report
  3. Progress Snapshot Report
  4. Achievements Report
  5. Quiz Report
  6. Questions Report
  7. User Report

All these reports are available for Admin, LMS Manager, Group Leader and Membership instructor users roles.

These reports can be accessed from WordPress dashboard or can be added to any page to show on the frontend. Learn More

Adobe Captivate
Rise 360
iSpring Suite​
Easy Generator​
Evolve Authoring​
Adapt Learning​​
Active Presenter​​​
ej4 Content​​​​
Gomo Learning​​​​​

Support Docs

A Powerful Combination for LifterLMS

GrassBlade xAPI Companion
GrassBlade xAPI Companion
GrassBlade Cloud LRS
GrassBlade Cloud LRS
Lifter LMS plugin logo


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