Gamification can play a key role in deriving engagement. In the eLearning field, we should add gamification to derive user engagement with learning content.
You can create a fully gamified website in WordPress but, we’re talking about gamification with xAPI Content.
As you know, we have to create eLearning content in tools like Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate. There is no built-in system to issue point or badges.
We have to get our hands-on with javascript to get user state and capture activities to issue points and badges.
Don’t Worry !! If you’re planning to use WordPress with xAPI or SCORM Content, this step by step guide can help you in creating gamification for your content.
- GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin
- GamiPress plugin
- Experience API for GamiPress plugin
- GrassBlade LRS or GrassBlade Cloud LRS
“Experience API for GamiPress” will only work if you’re using GrassBlade LRS or GrassBlade Cloud LRS.
Let’s Start:
Step 1:
First, we have to install and activate all required WordPress plugins.
Step 2:
Upload your xAPI Content on WordPress, follow this step by step guide to upload your xAPI Content zip file using GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.
Step 3:
Create Point Types in GamiPress for xAPI Content, follow this guide to create point types for xAPI Content and badges with GamiPress.
Other Resources:
- Install GrassBlade LRS, (skip it if you’re using GrassBlade Cloud LRS)
- Connecting GrassBlade xAPI Companion with GrassBlade LRS.
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