Quiz Answers and Quiz Reports

Estimated reading time: 1 min

With Rich Quiz Report feature of GrassBlade Cloud LRS (available on installable GrassBlade LRS Premium plans), you can generate nice quiz reports for the user and xAPI Contents with quizzes.

Watch this video to learn more:

Other options to access this Rich Quiz Report:

You can find answers submitted to the quiz questions in the Reports section available in the WordPress dashboard or you can navigate to Attempts Reports in the GrassBlade LRS.

In GrassBlade LRS

Step 1:
Login to your GrassBlade LRS.

Step 2:
Go to GrassBlade LRS Dashboard > Reports > Attempts Reports

Step 3:
Find the user attempt of the quiz and expand it.

Step 4:
Click on the Responses button to see the answers submitted in this attempt. If you’re on GrassBlade Cloud LRS or Installable GrassBlade LRS Premium or above plan click on the Quiz Report button.

For GrassBlade Cloud LRS or Installable GrassBlade LRS Premium or above plan users:
If you’re seeing an “answered” verb statement in the Activity Stream, you can click the [+] icon to see the Quiz Report button to get all answers submitted in that attempt.

In WordPress Dashboard

(For GrassBlade Cloud LRS or Installable GrassBlade LRS Premium or above plan users )

Step 1:
Go to WordPress Dashboard > GrassBlade > Reports (beta)

Step 2:
Select the Report from “Completions Report, User Completions Report or Gradebook Report” and other relevant options.

Step 3:
Click on the Show Report button.

Step 4:
Click on the Student Score (%) in the table to see the Quiz Report of that attempt, there you can see the answers submitted by the users.

If you’re facing any issues while accessing these reports feel free to contact us.

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6 thoughts on “Quiz Answers and Quiz Reports”

  1. Moritz Hörstrup

    this doesn’t seem to work with the H5P Questionnaire. The typed in or selected answers are not shown in the report.
    Best regards

  2. Hello, it shows no Response when I use with Quiz (Question Set) and other H5P like Image Pair types. It does not show answers. These H5P contents are embedded in xAPI to track the completion test. Can this be the cause of “No Response”?

    1. Hi there,

      The image pair doesn’t send answers to the LRS. However, Question Set type H5P content sends the answered verb statements to the LRS and it generates the Quiz Report.

      Example: https://demo.nextsoftwaresolutions.com/gb_xapi_content/quiz-question-set/

      Please use the reuse button/link given right below the H5P content to download and use it on your website for testing to see if it works there.

      Admin Report: https://demo.nextsoftwaresolutions.com/admin-reports/

      Login with user: demo password: demo

      Please check this page to see what you can track: https://demo.nextsoftwaresolutions.com/grassblade-can-track/

  3. Can I get the reports using an API? I don’t want to manually download the reports in csv or pdf format, instead I need the data in json format in the response of an API.

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