Interactive Videos – Add & Track Questions

Estimated reading time: 1 min

The latest version of GrassBlade xAPI Companion allows you to add questions on your videos. This feature makes your videos fun and engaging while learning. To use this feature you need:

  1. GrassBlade xAPI Companion
  2. GrassBlade Cloud LRS (for tracking and reporting)

Interactive video feature allows you add three types of questions at your selected timestamp of the video.

  1. Single Choice
  2. Multi-Choice
  3. True & False …more coming soon.

Add Questions

Please follow the steps given below to add questions on your xAPI Videos to make them interactive.

Step 1:
Go to edit page of existing xAPI Video or Add a new video. Learn more

Step 2:
Scroll to xAPI Content Details section.

Step 3:
Click the Open Quiz Builder button. If you’re do not see the button then please refresh the page.

Step 4:
Now click the, Add New Question button.

Step 5:
Select Question Type and add question details, such as title, options and timestamp.

Step 6:
Click the Save Question button to add question.

Track Submitted Answers

After adding questions to your videos, GrassBlade xAPI Companion will continue tracking video activities like it does.

However, now it will track answers submitted by the by the users and you can see this data in the connected GrassBlade Cloud LRS or any other connected LRS.

If you’re facing issues while using this feature, feel free to contact us.

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4 thoughts on “Interactive Videos – Add & Track Questions”

  1. I see that with the Add and Track Questions feature there is a field in the question dialog for the TimeStamp which is very cool.

    So when a video reaches the timestamp set for a question it performs 2 actions:
    1. it pauses the video*,
    2. it pops the question dialog over the video.

    *Is a ‘paused’ statement sent when the video is paused by the question at its time point vs the user interacting with the video

    Could I have other events or actions be triggered at selected time points of a video?
    Is there a way to have a video stop at a certain timepoints without showing a question? (So the user could perform other actions before resuming the video.

  2. Does the video pause while users answers the questions? Also is there an option to show a msg/explanation of the correct answer?

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