If you got the latest version of GrassBlade LRS, you can use these simple steps to update your LRS. First, you need to download the latest zip file.
Go to My Account > Download page and download the latest GrassBlade LRS zip file for your purchased plan.

Steps to Upgrade
- Take a backup of current files and database.
- Overwrite the files with files from the new version.
- To upgrade the database go to http://<www.yourdomain.com>/grassblade-lrs/Configure/Database/?upgradeTables=2.9.5
- Clear your cache by deleting files (not folder) inside:
- /grassblade-lrs/app/tmp/cache/models/
- /grassblade-lrs/app/tmp/cache/persistent/
Make sure you replace <www.yourdomain.com> with your actual domain. And 2.9.5 with the version you are installing.
Ignore any error messages on Step 3. This step might take a while for large databases.
You are done.
If things don’t work. You might need to copy the following file from your old installation to the new installation: app/Config/database.php
Please feel free to email us if you are facing any issues.
If you are not comfortable doing it, you can also ask for a quote to upgrade it for you.
I just downloaded V2.4.0 and I need to overwrite 2.2.1 files. I’m not sure how to do that. Can you point me towards more detailed instructions?
If you are using cPanel, upload the zip in the grassblade-lrs folder. And unzip it there.