Fix Error 404 – Page Not Found

Estimated reading time: < 1 min

Error 404 – Page Not Found is a common error in WordPress. What you need to do is fix your permalinks settings.

When does it happen?
This issue generally happens when you install a new plugin or theme.

Follow the steps to fix it.

Step 1:
Go to WordPress Dashboard (wp-admin area)

Step 2:
Go to Settings » Permalinks page and DO NOT click on “Save Changes”.

Step 3:
Check if the issue of “404 Page Not Found” error is resolved.

Step 4:
If the issue is not resolved yet. Go back to Settings » Permalinks page and click on “Save Changes”

The issue should be resolved now.

This will update your permalink structure and update new rules in the .htaccess file.

If you’re still facing the issue, feel free to contact us.

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